Tuesday 4 October 2011


In the editing of our film, we added in some transition to make the film more effective and illustrate what is going on, making it more clear to the audience.
During the classroom scene, two fade-in’s were used between the clips of the pupils looking normal, to looking bored, to falling asleep. The fade-in’s showed the audience that time had passed.
A circular overlaps of the classroom scene to the conversation scene was used to show that both sketches were completely different, as they were in the same location and otherwise it would confuse the audience.
A fade-out into black was used during the falling to sleep scene, the black represented the night and the eyes closing, and a fade-in was used when the person woke up to represent eyes opening and the daylight.
Jump cuts were used in the walking towards the camera scene. This created more of a shocking/ creepier atmosphere in the shot as they are unexpected to the audience.
The transition that didn’t work was the dissolve in the middle of the conversation, this transition was irrelevant and made the conversation not flow as well, and made it appear to the audience that time had passed.

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