Tuesday 21 February 2012

Film Script

*spinning bottle*

Mandy: Oh God! I bet it’s gonna land on me again, who’s idea was it to play this stupid game anyway?
Brooke: No no no no….oh no it’s me again! I’m gonna be dead by the end of the night
Grace: Down it!
Brooke: BLEH!

*knock on the door*

Brooke: Mom! Go away!
Grace: Your mom left 20 minutes ago…

*Brookes flash forward images of the murderer*

Mandy: Oh my god Brooke, you’re too drunk to remember your mom left! Hahahaha….

*knock on the door*

Brooke: Don’t open the door.
Mandy: (whilst opening door) 3 tiny shots of vodka and you turn into a freak!

*enter murderer*

Mandy: Who invited you…


*murderer limps towards Brooke*


*murderer prepares hammer on Brooke*

Mandy: I warned you! You little…

*Mandy prepares to stab murderer, stabbing into the cake of the next scene (match on action)*

Brooke: Thanks for saving my life last night
Mandy: Well yeah, I knew you would have done the same to me
Brooke: I can’t leave this house
Mandy: what?
Brooke: (sobbing) He got away, he wanted something I know of….it’s like I was expecting him
Mandy: I know you’re shocked Brooke but-
Brooke: I SAW HIM, before he came…his face…in my mind
Mandy: Stop there! We’re going outside to get coffee, to sort up this messed up mess…

Friday 10 February 2012

Story Board

- The second box is the rotating bottles POV shot, lasting around 7 seconds

- "I'm gonna be dead by the end of this night" foreshadows Brooke's possible death about to happen

- The flash forward clip will be in black and white

- The title scene follows a match on action of Mandy stabbing the man, but actually the cake

- The cake scene is the next morning

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Company Logo:

Represented as a typical horror based studio, who make well known films without huge budgets.

It has a teenage/young adult relationship with the audience.

Saturday 4 February 2012


Looking at my opinion poll and the feasibility of filming, I have decided to use 'My Sweet Revenge' as my film.
It will be a
certificate as the actors performing in it will be around 16-17 years old, and 15+ will find this more appealing. It will contain too much gore and be too scary for a
certificate, but if it was an
, it wouldn't be scary enough and it would not be possible to watch for the majority of my target audience.
My target audience are 15-21 year old's (older teenagers, young adults), and it would appeal mostly to females as the characters in the film the audience are supposed to relate to and sympathize for are females.

The text will appeal to my audience as females from the same age will be able to relate to the females performing in the film. It will be scary by using subtle gore and scary jump cuts to make the audience jump. I will not exclude the male audience as they are likely to be the secondary audience who accompany with females when watching the film, therefore I will have some male characters to sympathize with and relate to in the same age bracket, but these characters will not be the main characters.

I asked people in my sixth form (who are the representative age group - 16-18 year olds) what their favourite horror film was. The top five results were Paranormal Activity, The Ring, Sorority Row, The Grudge and The exorcist.

I will research these films and see if they can influence some of the horror conventions in my film

How do horror films scare people?

The purpose of a horror film is to scare the audience. The main features in a horror film that scares the audience are being jumpy - making the audience jump, usually accomplished by loud noises following a period of silence, or sudden jump cuts.
Another way of scaring the audience is to use gore; blood, torture and pain usually feature in horror films in order to make the audience feel squeamish.
Linking to jumpy films, suspense is a successful way to scare the audience. A lot of the time horror films trick the audience by building up suspense, suspending to nothing. Although nothing scary happens, the anticipation is enough to scare audiences.
My horror film has used many of these conventions. The use of blood on the mans face is gory, the sudden appearence of the man and the loud music makes the film jumpy, and the build up of suspense through normality with scaty music, and the music getting faster also creates this horror environment.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Famous horror film characters....

George Lutz
From the film 'Amytiville Horror' George Lutz changes from being an everyday man, to an attempting serial killer, overtaken by his new house. (psycological problems). The

Arachnophobia spiders

The spiders in the film 'Arachnophobia' scare the majority of audiences as alot of people are scared of spiders. The spiders are the villains in this film.

From the 1931 film 'Dracula', Count Dracula is represented as a vampire who the audience would be afraid of as he sucks blood from the characters in their sleep. This relates the the fear of blood and fear of sleep.

From the 1931 film 'Frankenstein', and obsessed scientist assembles a human being from corpses, this relates to the phobia of technology. Frankenstein is portrayed as scary, he isn't actually a villain, he just gets treated poorly by the public leaving the audience to sympathise with him.

Freddie Krueger
From the film 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', Freddie Krueger has knives as fingers and appears in the characters dreams in order to kill them. He is represented as very creepy. The phobias related to this film is the fear of sleep, sharp objects, blood and death.

From the film 'The Ring', Samara is portrayed as very creepy and scary, but the fact that she is a little girl has gives a slight innocence to her. The phobias related to her are fear of ghosts.

Jigsaw, from the Saw series, is only shown on television which relates to the fear of technology. He is representing another man, who controls the gory tasks that kill people. The phobias related to this film is the fear of death, technology and blood.

Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd is portrayed as a more comical villain, although he kills people whilst hairdressing, he is represented as a good character throughout most of the film. The phobias related to this film are the fear of blood and death.

The House
'Monster House' is a horror film aimed at children, the phobias that relate to this film is fear of the dark and houses.

Phobias that relate to horror films....

Technophobia (fear of technology)
Phasmophobia (fear of ghosts)
Hadephobia (fear of hell)
Necrophobia (fear of death)
Achluophobia (fear of the dark)
Agrizoophobia (fear of wild animals)
Aichmophobia (fear of sharp objects)
Hematophobia (fear of blood)
Catoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)
Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
Hypnophobia (fear of sleep)

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Teen-Horror Film Openings....


The very first shot is a POV shot which is an enigma code. I have decided to use this in my horror film opening.
To keep with the enigma code of 'who is the character?', we hear his voice but do not actually hear him, drawing the audience into the story.
The gore is not in any way mitigated, and is played in slow motion to emphasise the main horror convention of the film. This film appears to teenagers because the rock music in the background puts a funny twist on the gore.

The Ring

The film opens with normality, but the music creepy sounds played from the start foreshadow what is about to happen. I will incorporate this effect into my film as well. The ringing phone portrays the disequilibrium, I will also do this but with a knock on the door as my disequilibrium. This film appears to teenagers as the characters are teenagers, therefore teenagers can relate to the film more.

Sorority Row

The film begins tricking the audience into thinking someone is being shot in the house, but as it tracks into the house, the audience realises it's just a party - this foreshadows how the party will end up in shooting. This appeals to teenagers as the characters are teenage and their partying and drinking is a stereo typically teenage trait, relating to teenagers more. I will use teenage alcohol use in my film.

The Ring and Sorority Row are the most similar to my film as they have the same aged target audience, they have a mainly female fan base and they are both American. I know they have the same fanbase because the people who answered my questionaire with these two films are all females ages 16 to 17. Also, on facebook, the people who have liked the page are majoritively female at a young adult age from America.

Here are some examples of reviews from the press on Sorority Row after it's 2009 release: