Tuesday 21 February 2012

Film Script

*spinning bottle*

Mandy: Oh God! I bet it’s gonna land on me again, who’s idea was it to play this stupid game anyway?
Brooke: No no no no….oh no it’s me again! I’m gonna be dead by the end of the night
Grace: Down it!
Brooke: BLEH!

*knock on the door*

Brooke: Mom! Go away!
Grace: Your mom left 20 minutes ago…

*Brookes flash forward images of the murderer*

Mandy: Oh my god Brooke, you’re too drunk to remember your mom left! Hahahaha….

*knock on the door*

Brooke: Don’t open the door.
Mandy: (whilst opening door) 3 tiny shots of vodka and you turn into a freak!

*enter murderer*

Mandy: Who invited you…


*murderer limps towards Brooke*


*murderer prepares hammer on Brooke*

Mandy: I warned you! You little…

*Mandy prepares to stab murderer, stabbing into the cake of the next scene (match on action)*

Brooke: Thanks for saving my life last night
Mandy: Well yeah, I knew you would have done the same to me
Brooke: I can’t leave this house
Mandy: what?
Brooke: (sobbing) He got away, he wanted something I know of….it’s like I was expecting him
Mandy: I know you’re shocked Brooke but-
Brooke: I SAW HIM, before he came…his face…in my mind
Mandy: Stop there! We’re going outside to get coffee, to sort up this messed up mess…

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