Wednesday 1 February 2012

Teen-Horror Film Openings....


The very first shot is a POV shot which is an enigma code. I have decided to use this in my horror film opening.
To keep with the enigma code of 'who is the character?', we hear his voice but do not actually hear him, drawing the audience into the story.
The gore is not in any way mitigated, and is played in slow motion to emphasise the main horror convention of the film. This film appears to teenagers because the rock music in the background puts a funny twist on the gore.

The Ring

The film opens with normality, but the music creepy sounds played from the start foreshadow what is about to happen. I will incorporate this effect into my film as well. The ringing phone portrays the disequilibrium, I will also do this but with a knock on the door as my disequilibrium. This film appears to teenagers as the characters are teenagers, therefore teenagers can relate to the film more.

Sorority Row

The film begins tricking the audience into thinking someone is being shot in the house, but as it tracks into the house, the audience realises it's just a party - this foreshadows how the party will end up in shooting. This appeals to teenagers as the characters are teenage and their partying and drinking is a stereo typically teenage trait, relating to teenagers more. I will use teenage alcohol use in my film.

The Ring and Sorority Row are the most similar to my film as they have the same aged target audience, they have a mainly female fan base and they are both American. I know they have the same fanbase because the people who answered my questionaire with these two films are all females ages 16 to 17. Also, on facebook, the people who have liked the page are majoritively female at a young adult age from America.

Here are some examples of reviews from the press on Sorority Row after it's 2009 release:

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