Thursday 2 February 2012

Famous horror film characters....

George Lutz
From the film 'Amytiville Horror' George Lutz changes from being an everyday man, to an attempting serial killer, overtaken by his new house. (psycological problems). The

Arachnophobia spiders

The spiders in the film 'Arachnophobia' scare the majority of audiences as alot of people are scared of spiders. The spiders are the villains in this film.

From the 1931 film 'Dracula', Count Dracula is represented as a vampire who the audience would be afraid of as he sucks blood from the characters in their sleep. This relates the the fear of blood and fear of sleep.

From the 1931 film 'Frankenstein', and obsessed scientist assembles a human being from corpses, this relates to the phobia of technology. Frankenstein is portrayed as scary, he isn't actually a villain, he just gets treated poorly by the public leaving the audience to sympathise with him.

Freddie Krueger
From the film 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', Freddie Krueger has knives as fingers and appears in the characters dreams in order to kill them. He is represented as very creepy. The phobias related to this film is the fear of sleep, sharp objects, blood and death.

From the film 'The Ring', Samara is portrayed as very creepy and scary, but the fact that she is a little girl has gives a slight innocence to her. The phobias related to her are fear of ghosts.

Jigsaw, from the Saw series, is only shown on television which relates to the fear of technology. He is representing another man, who controls the gory tasks that kill people. The phobias related to this film is the fear of death, technology and blood.

Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd is portrayed as a more comical villain, although he kills people whilst hairdressing, he is represented as a good character throughout most of the film. The phobias related to this film are the fear of blood and death.

The House
'Monster House' is a horror film aimed at children, the phobias that relate to this film is fear of the dark and houses.

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